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Innermost Seer Details:


Guitar, Bass, Keyboards:
Jason Greenberg

Gianni Castelli

Catkin S. (Conjure, Stats, Blessing, Sagelove, Infinitelumens, Shine, Clear, Bones, Anger, Ending, Flawed, TIimetravel)
Andrea “Button” Pisani (Patryan, Infinitelumens, Burden, Choices)

Ben Bregman (Shine, Clear)

Backing Vocals:
Andrea “Button” Pisani (Blessing)
Rachel Wolfe (Bones)

Music & lyrics by Jason Greenberg

Produced by Jason Greenberg and Marc Viner

Mixed by Ulrich Wild

Mastered by Brian Lucey (Conjure, Patryan, Sagelove, Infinitelumens, Burden, Bones, Choices, Anger, Ending, Flawed, Timetravel) Ulrich Wild (Stats, Blessing, Shine, Clear)

Tracking by Jason Hatfield, Frank Harbaugh, and Jason Greenberg

Cover Art & Graphics by Jason Greenberg

This album is dedicated to Kathleen McQuown Greenberg (1945 - 2021)

Track Listing:

01) Conjure (3:35)
02) Stats (3:31)
03) Blessing (3:46)
04) Patryan (3:03)
05) Sagelove (5:46)
06) Infinitelumens (2:43)
07) Shine (4:38)
08) Burden (4:16)
09) Clear (3:11)
10) Bones (5:16)
11) Choices (3:43)
12) Anger (2:53)
13) Ending (4:04)
14) Flawed (1:13)
15) Timetravel (3:15)